Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Introducing the Prez: Stephen

         So we decided we should write a quick little introductory story. I’ll be doing Stephens, he’ll be doing mine and Zoe will be doing Bec’s. So sit back, relax, and get ready to laugh because this is probably going to be wrong in all kind of ways.

         The basics: Stephen is a guy, he is tall (like 6’4?) and he is currently growing facial hair. He is a major geek and a writer at heart. He’s a third year university student studying education. He wants to teach English. That covers the basics on who Stephen is. Now onto the more interesting stuff.

         He is a major geek. Think of a fandom, any fandom. He is probably a part of that fandom. Actually, he is probably president of that fandom. Actually, he is that fandom. If you want to hype about the latest episode of Doctor Who or Supernatural, or whether there is this awesome new book series you want to talk about, Stephen will be the one you want to talk to. Even if he doesn’t know what the hell you’re talking about, he’s happy just to let you talk about it.

         Now onto the other major aspect of Stephens personality; he’s a writer. Now Stephen is usually a creative writer; high fantasy with elves, dwarves and dragons. So writing articles and stuff is a bit different for him. You want to debate about the best way to survive a zombie apocalypse? This is the guy you want to talk to. He’s so confident he’s even written a story about it.

         Who else would you want as INK Magazines president? This guy has all the qualifications needed! So be prepared for a fun, awesome year! 


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