Sunday, March 13, 2016

BS: Top 6 Music Apps

To start this blog post off I have a question: How on earth do people listen to loud music while they are studying?? Honestly, I have tried but I always end up getting distracted by it - especially if I am on youtube! Down below, in no specific order, are my top 6 music apps! 

Sound Cloud

Sound Cloud is one of those apps that is really good for remixes and 'less known' artists. You can search up music based on artists, tags and track names, and you can even 'like' songs or albums. This will show up on your account for you to listen to (using Wifi) when ever you want! I personally love using this app for when I'm studying and when I am working out as you can pick out playlists that are tailored to certain moods; ie. relaxing or upbeat.



Okay, although this is in my top 6, I do not really use this app anymore. This being said though, it will hold a very dear place in my heart. I was so let down with how the creators establishing a limited amount of songs you can listen to. I used to be absolutely addicted to this app, that was until they brought in payments for using it! The thing I loved (and i feel millions of others loved too) was the fact that you could add music to playlists and listen to them offline! You could also find more or less anything you set out to find, which I felt very handy considering my love for SoMo! I always wondered how it was legal and how artists were okay with this! Sorry if I jinxed it! 


 8 Tracks
8 Tracks is also another one of my much loved music apps that has let me down! :*( I used to religiously use this app during the late nights I spent studying as I loved the idea of only being able to flick through 8 songs yourself. Because of this, I would always spend more time actually studying rather than relentlessly changing songs! This app changed my life - 8 Tracks is where I discovered SoMo (check him out on Youtube; he will change your life too!) which I will forever be grateful for! haha. The only downside to this app is the fact that you can only scroll through 8 tracks (literally) in each playlist - if you do not like a song, you are stuck listening to the playlist (unless you keep swapping playlists!).



I loooove Spotify so much as it has absolutely everything on it that I need! Not only does it have all the latest artists, but it also has 'less known' artists too! There are endless opportunities to discover new music! On the app, you can follow artists, create playlists, browse through radio stations and much, much more. The only downside is that you cannot listen to music without wifi (unless you pay money to upgrade your account). 



 To be honest, I was really late on the Shazam bandwagon. I cannot count how many times I was out and heard a song that I didn't know. Everyone I knew was 'shazaming' the song and instantly finding it, whereas I was there writing down the lyrics on my phone to search up later! haha. I seriously think this is the smartest music app made! The fact that you can turn on Shazam (using wifi or data) and it recognises what is playing blows my mind! Once you have discovered a song that you like, you can also add it to your shazam account so you will never forget it! Using wifi, you can also play the songs and it even gives you a link to the Google Play store where you can purchase it for yourself!



Deezer is a really fun app in that when you first create your account you can customize it to the kind of music and artists you like most. Based on this, it gives you recommendations of different artists and songs! You can listen to these songs when your device is locked, but I do not know enough about it to know about how it works with wifi! It is honestly, so good and I am really getting into it at the moment! One thing I really like about it is that you can tap the little microphone button and the lyrics to whatever you are listening to instantly comes up - so useful for those songs you discover but do not know the lyrics to yet!


I hope yous have enjoyed reading this post and that it has given you some ideas for potential favourite apps - feel free to comment below what your favourite one is out of the list, or even other musical related apps you enjoy!

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