Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Aimee's Book Corner: Game of Throne

                            Aimee's Book Corner: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones. We’ve all heard of it. You’ve all probably seen the T.V show (and are patiently awaiting the sixth season). You might be thinking to yourself ‘hey, I should read the books.” My advice: unless you are a trained professional, these books can be difficult.
I’ll start at the beginning; the prologue. Word of caution; you will be confused. Thoroughly and often. I had to reread the prologue twice before I even slightly understood what was going on, and even then I was still confused.

Now, if you like slow beginnings and lots of plots that take thousands of words and a few hundred pages to figure out, you’re going to love this book. It’s all about setting up the characters, figure out who their related to, what their motives are, and their end game. You learn to like some people, and you learn to hate everyone else. You wonder who your friends are, who you can trust.

I do have to tell you this book is full of contradictions. You won’t be able to put it down, but this is definitely a book you need constant breaks for. I found myself constantly putting Game of Thrones down and then five minutes later I would end up picking it back up and reading ten more pages.
Being the type of person that can read four books in four days, taking a week to read a single book is weird. But Game of Thrones definitely needs more time than an average book. It’s full of complex issues and diversity that requires you to think hard about a lot of the tiny details.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

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